Seventeenth International Congress

of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS)

Albacete (Spain), 29 July – 3 August 2018

“Humanity and Nature:

Arts and Sciences in Neo-Latin Literature”

Papers on this theme (in Latin, English, French, German, Italian or Spanish) or on other aspects of Neo-Latin Studies are welcome. We especially welcome abstracts on methodological and pedagogical aspects of Neo-Latin, as well as proposals for posters on relevant projects and research clusters, and for special sessions. Special sessions may be proposed.

Abstracts (150-200 words) should be submitted to María-Teresa Santamaría-Hernández, Chair of Organizing Committee, by e-mail:, no later than 30 April 2017.

Participants must be paid-up members of the IANLS before 30 April 2017.

The Congress registration (120 euros and 60 euros reduced fee) may be done from October 2017.

First Circular for Triennium 2015-2018

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