TITEL: Welke klassieken, hoezo klassieken?
DATUM en LOCATIE: vrijdag 28 juni, Heymanszaal, Academiegebouw Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Broerstraat 5)

Dit symposium vindt plaats ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van David Rijser als bijzonder
hoogleraar antiekenreceptie aan de RUG, en het verschijnen van zijn nieuwe boek Arachne
en de imams
In drie blokken bespreken we thema’s die relevant zijn voor de hedendaagse bestudering van
de klassieken. Na een aantal korte pitches is er steeds ruimte voor publieksdiscussie.

13:45-14:30: blok 1, moderatie Piet Gerbrandy
Klassieken en wetenschap
Pitches: Diederik Burgersdijk, Koen Vacano, Nathalie de Haan, Stephen van Beek

14:30-15:15: blok 2, moderatie Jacqueline Klooster
Onderwijs en literatuur
Pitches: Louise Elffers, Siward Tacoma, Romkje de Bildt, Matthijs Sanders

15:15-15:30: intermezzo door Jean Pierre Rawie

15:30-16:00: pauze met koffie en thee

16:00-16:45: blok 3, moderatie Bettina Reitz-Joosse
De canon
Pitches: Miguel John Versluys, Janneke Louman, Chris Buur, Maarten De Pourcq

16:45-17:30: boekpresentatie en afscheidslezing, ‘Arachne en de imams’

17:30: receptie in Café Wolthoorn & Co (Turftorenstraat 6), met eten verzorgd door de scheidende hoogleraar

Deelname is gratis maar registratie (per mail aan Bram van der Velden: a.j.l.van.der.velden@rug.nl) is noodzakelijk, en wel vóór 14 juni. Geeft u daarbij alstublieft met het oog op de receptie eventuele dieetwensen door. Er is geen livestream voorzien.

The 16th Jozef IJsewijn Lecture will take place on Thursday 23 May 2024, at 5pm, in the Justus Lipsius Room of the Erasmushuis (8th floor; Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven), and will be delivered by Professor Eric MacPhail (Indiana University). The lecture’s subject will be: Erasmus and the Latin Deficit in Leuven.
Registration to the Laboratorium is open Registration open through: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/sph/ijsewijnlab.

On Friday 24 May 2024, the 2nd IJsewijn Laboratorium will be held at the Couvreurzaal (M01.E50; Edward Van Evenstraat 4, 3000 Leuven, on the Social Sciences Campus). The Laboratorium will have a full-day program devoted to ongoing Neo-Latin research.
A provisional program can be consulted here.
The registration fee for the IJsewijn Laboratorium will be €25 to cover catering. Please register before 1 May 2024 for the Lecture (free), Laboratorium (€25), or both through this link. (BA and MA students of KU Leuven are exempted from paying the Laboratorium’s fee.)

The 16th Jozef IJsewijn Lecture will take place on Thursday 23 May 2024, at 5pm, in the Justus Lipsius Room of the Erasmushuis (8th floor; Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven), and will be delivered by Professor Eric MacPhail (Indiana University). The lecture’s subject will be: Erasmus and the Latin Deficit in Leuven.

The next day, on Friday 24 May 2024, the 2nd IJsewijn Laboratorium will be held at the Couvreurzaal (M01.E50; Edward Van Evenstraat 4, 3000 Leuven, on the Social Sciences Campus). The Laboratorium will have a full-day program devoted to ongoing Neo-Latin research, and has two main aims: (1) showcasing state-of-the-art research in Neo-Latin studies, in terms of both subject and methodology, and (2) bringing together young scholars with established researchers, including the Jozef IJsewijn Lecturer. There is, in other words, no specific thematic focus, and everyone is encouraged to present work-in-progress, paying due attention to both successes and pitfalls in Neo-Latin research, and how to build on, or deal with, them.

For more information, see https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/sph/ijsewijnlab

In December 12-13, 2023, the hybrid study days ‘History and politics: The use of ancient historians in the ideological inflection of Renaissance works’, organized by Aix-Marseille University’s Centre Aixois d’Etudes Romanes (UR 854), as part of theme 2 of the LICOLAR axis ‘Editions of ancient texts in Neo-Latin and vernacular’, and axis 1 ‘Thoughts, actions and socio-political structures’, will take place. We kindly invite you to send your proposal or follow these days online:



For further information, please contact Prof. Béatrice Charlet-Mesdjian beatrice.charletmesdjian@univ-amu.fr.

Tom Hendrickson and Miguel Ángel González Manjarrés are organizing in the name of the IANLS Teaching Committee a two-days (20 and 21 June 2023) online workshop on spoken Latin as a didactic tool:


A Workshop Hosted by the Teaching Committee
of the International Association of Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS),
Led by Andrew Morehouse and Ilse van Rooyen of Latinitas Animi Causa

This workshop is meant for teachers who are interested in spoken Latin and would like to know more about how and why it is used in the classroom. The workshop will feature two 90-minute sessions on Zoom. The first day of the workshop will focus on the scholarly and pedagogical rationale: why is spoken Latin an effective tool for teaching students to read authentic Latin texts? The second day of the workshop will focus on practical application: what are some methods for using spoken Latin in the classroom? No previous experience with spoken Latin is necessary, and no specific preparation for the workshops is required.

Day 1: Pedagogical rationale for spoken Latin as a teaching tool, 20 June 2023 at 11:00am12:30pm US Eastern Daylight Time (=17:00-18:30 Central European Time).

Day 2: Practical application for using spoken Latin as a teaching tool, 21 June 2023 at 11:00am12:30pm US Eastern Daylight Time (=17:00-18:30 Central European Time).

No advanced preparation is required. For the Zoom link to this free online workshop, please contact Tom Hendrickson (tghend@stanford.edu).

Understanding and Approaching Scriptural Poetry: Exploring Protestant Latin verse c. 1550-1620 and its Parallels

This two-day symposium Tuesday 27th-Wednesday 28th June at University College London will be dedicated to exploring the wealth of influential Protestant Latin verse, focusing particularly on the early period of c. 1550-1620. Proposals for short papers and presentations on this topic are welcome.

Barbara Lewalski’s work on Protestant poetics and the English lyric shaped a field of study in English literature, and set out the particular significance of scripture to Protestant vernacular poetry. In common with most subsequent studies in this field, however, Lewalski’s book does not consider the wealth of Latin poetry of the period. More generally, despite the acknowledged importance of scripture to poetry of this period, the relationship between scripture, religious practice more generally (including liturgy and knowledge of scriptural languages) and poetry remains a relatively neglected and “unfashionable” aspect of early modern poetics. This aspect of early modern literature is often perceived as particularly alien, obscure or “difficult” to teach or to expound accessibly in criticism.

This event will bring together scholars with a particular interest in Protestant Latin poetry to discuss this neglected literature. In addition, the event will explore relevant parallels which may help us to understand this poetry, including vernacular scriptural poetry of any period (including today) and any faith tradition; religious or scriptural poetry written in conversation with a scriptural language; and religious or scriptural poetry produced in any ‘international’ language. The event will include a panel discussion with poets writing scriptural verse in English today, and the reading of some newly-commissioned poems.

At this point I would like to invite proposals for papers of around 30 minutes. Possible topics might include:

  • the work of an individual early Latin Protestant poet, or the study of a collection of such poetry, whether in print or manuscript
  • the role of scriptural paraphrase
  • the role of translation and the study of scriptural languages
  • the relationship between Latin and vernacular poetry of this type
  • papers exploring parallels in other languages and periods, and/or relating to other faith traditions and scriptural or liturgical language, including modern and contemporary examples

If you are interested in presenting at this symposium, please send a title, 500 word abstract and a summary of your wider research, teaching or literary interests (as relevant) to Dr Victoria Moul (v.moul@ucl.ac.uk) by the 15th  May 2023.

The event will be informal in tone and collaborative in nature, with relatively few presentations and plenty of time for discussion. Those participating will be expected to pre-circulate their paper to facilitate discussion, and (whether speaking themselves or not) to be ready to engage with a variety of approaches and perspectives.

Travel and overnight accommodation costs (within limits) will be reimbursed for confirmed speakers who do not have access to institutional funds for these expenses. In addition, three modest travel bursaries are available for early career scholars (graduate students or recent graduate students) who wish to participate in the symposium, even if they do not apply to present. If you are an early career scholar who does not wish to present, but you are interested in attending the symposium and would like to be considered for a travel bursary, please email Dr Moul giving an outline of your research and how attendance would contribute to it.

Developed versions of some or all of the presentations may be published in due course in an edited volume, combining scholarly and creative responses to the topic.

This event is supported by the British Academy, as part of a Mid-Career Fellowship.

Download the CfP here.

The LiLa: Linking Latin team invites you to participate to the LiLa Project Closing Event, consisting in a workshop taking place at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy, on 25th-26th of May, 2023. More information about the workshop, including a detailed programme, can be found at: https://lila-erc.eu/events-2/lila-closing-event/.

LiLa responds to the growing need in the fields of Computational Linguistics, Humanities Computing and Classics to create an interoperable Knowledge Base of linguistic resources and NLP tools for Latin. To this end, LiLa makes use of Linked Open Data (LOD) practices and standards to connect words to textual and lexical resources currently distributed across the web.

The purpose of this workshop is to present the results of five years of work on the LiLa project and to bring together scholars responsible for the creation and development of linguistic resources and NLP tools for Latin that have been linked and integrated in the LiLa Knowledge Base.

The workshop is open to all and is free of charge, but registration is required. Please register here: https://forms.gle/VLNkjxXFykDivFAm8.

The official language of the workshop is English. The event will be live-streamed and video-recorded. Registration for in-person participation will close on May 5th. Registration for online participation is always possible.

The Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae invites Neo-Latinists to send in contributions for the new IJsewijn Lecture & Laboratorium. This initiative revives the annual IJsewijn Lecture in a novel format, but preserving some classical ingredients.

You should register by 12 May, either for the 15th IJsewijn Lecture (free), or for the 1st IJsewijn Laboratorium (€25), or for both, via: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/formulieren/inschrijven/view. For more details and the preliminary program, please see below or consult our webpage: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/sph/ijsewijnlab.

The 15th IJsewijn Lecture will take place on Thursday 25 May 2023, at 5pm, in the Justus Lipsius Room of the Erasmushuis (8th floor; Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven). The lecture will be delivered by Ingrid De Smet (University of Warwick & Visiting Professor at the I Tatti Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, April-June 2023), and is provisionally entitled

Water Management for Food and Recreation in Selected Neo-Latin Texts

The lecture will be followed by a reception at 6pm in the big hall of the Erasmushuis on the ground floor. Attendance is completely free, but registration will be required.

The next day, on Friday 26 May 2023, the very first IJsewijn Laboratorium will be held at the Couvreurzaal (M01.E50; Edward Van Evenstraat 4, 3000 Leuven, on the Social Sciences Campus, where IANLS 2022 also took place). The Laboratorium will have a full-day program devoted to ongoing Neo-Latin research, and has two main aims: (1) showcasing state-of-the-art research in Neo-Latin studies, in terms of both subject and methodology, and (2) bringing together young scholars with established researchers, including the IJsewijn Lecturer. There is, in other words, no specific thematic focus, and everyone is encouraged to present work-in-progress, paying due attention to both successes and pitfalls in Neo-Latin research, and how to build on, or deal with, them.

The Laboratorium aims to create an active exchange among the participants, in order to address and discuss promising research perspectives. All sessions will be plenary, including a research pitch by local Neo-Latin students. Each session will last one hour and include two presentations of 15’ each, followed by 30’ discussion time. Presenters will be asked to pre-circulate their materials and ideas in a way they see fit, no later than two weeks before the event (e.g. a Neo-Latin text with translation and/or commentary, a short paper summarizing the main points of their work-in-progress, an advanced paper not yet submitted for publication, a poster file, …). The pre-circulated materials will be shared only with those registered for the workshop and will serve to encourage in-depth discussions. The scientific committee will make a competitive selection of papers, in order to guarantee a high-quality exchange.

The main workshop language will be English, but we will consider proposals in other languages with a strong tradition in Neo-Latin studies. Proposals of no more than 250 words should be sent to raf.vanrooy[at]kuleuven.be before 1 February 2023 in Word and PDF format. Notifications of acceptance will be given on 15 February 2023. The registration fee for the IJsewijn Laboratorium will be €25 to cover catering. We unfortunately do not have any means to cover the travel and accommodation costs of all participants, but we will be able to provide an exception for up to four junior researchers without any means of their own (please indicate this in your proposal). A link for registration will be made available in late February.

Organizing committee:
Marijke Crab, Nicholas De Sutter, Ide François, Christian Laes, Maxim Rigaux, Raf Van Rooy

Scientific committee:
Susanna de Beer, Gianmario Cattaneo, Marijke Crab, Ingrid De Smet, Nicholas De Sutter, Ide François, Martine Furno, Han Lamers, Marc Laureys, Vasileios Pappas, Maxim Rigaux, Florian Schaffenrath, Toon Van Houdt, Raf Van Rooy

For a PDF version of this Call for Papers, click here.

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