Leuven, 22-23 May 2025

The 17th Jozef IJsewijn Lecture will take place on Thursday 22 May 2025, at 5pm, in the Justus Lipsius Room of the Erasmushuis (8th floor; Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven), and will be delivered by Professor Aline Smeesters (UCLouvain). The lecture will be followed by a reception at 6pm in the big hall of the Erasmushuis on the ground floor. Attendance is completely free, but registration will be required through the link at the bottom of this page. The title of this year’s lecture is The Leuven quodlibetal tradition (1427–1652), at the crossroads of scholastic and humanistic expectations.


The lecture will give an overview of the tradition of quodlibetic disputes held at the Leuven faculty of arts almost since its foundation. Every year in December, these disputes were held with great ceremony, attracting an audience of students and professors from all faculties. A patient reconstruction has enabled to document around 40 cases dating from 1427 to 1652, featuring various important intellectual figures such as the future pope Adrian VI, Juan Luis Vives, Petrus Nannius, Johannes Molanus, and Libert Froidmont. Over the course of the 16th century, these disputes, initially marked by a traditional scholastic frame, gradually became full-fledged oratorical performances, sometimes known as Saturnalia. Louvain’s quodlibets offer a fascinating vantage point for observing the tensions and compromises that ran through a rapidly changing academic world. I will focus on early 16th-century debates on the best way to start a disputatio or a declamatio.

The next day, on Friday 23 May 2025, the 3rd IJsewijn Laboratorium will be held at the Couvreurzaal (M01.E50; Edward Van Evenstraat 4, 3000 Leuven, on the Social Sciences Campus). The Laboratorium will have a full-day program devoted to ongoing Neo-Latin research, and has two main aims: (1) showcasing state-of-the-art research in Neo-Latin studies, in terms of both subject and methodology, and (2) bringing together young scholars with established researchers, including the Jozef IJsewijn Lecturer. There is, in other words, no specific thematic focus, and everyone is encouraged to present work-in-progress, paying due attention to both successes and pitfalls in Neo-Latin research, and how to build on, or deal with, them. For 2025, participants are encouraged to engage with Neo-Latin from or about Leuven in the context of the 600th anniversary of KU Leuven, founded in 1425. We aim to have one special session devoted to this theme. The scientific committee will make a competitive selection of abstracts, as we have a maximum of 10 paper slots.

The Laboratorium aims to create an active exchange among the participants, in order to address and discuss promising research perspectives. All sessions will be plenary, including a research pitch by local Neo-Latin students. Each session will last one hour and include two presentations of 15’ each, followed by 30’ discussion time. Presenters will be asked to pre-circulate their materials and ideas in a way they see fit (e.g. a Neo-Latin text with translation and/or commentary, a short paper summarizing the main points of their work-in-progress, an advanced paper not yet submitted for publication, a poster file, …). The only prerequisite is that these materials contain two to three questions you want to see addressed during the discussions. The pre-circulated materials will be shared only with those registered for the workshop and will serve to encourage in-depth discussions. The main workshop language will be EnglishAbstracts are due 15 December and should be sent to Adriaan Demuynck (adriaan.demuynck[aet]kuleuven.be) and Raf Van Rooy (raf.vanrooy[aet]kuleuven.be). The abstract deadline has exceptionally been extended to 6 January 2025.

The registration fee for the IJsewijn Laboratorium will be €35 to cover catering. (BA and MA students of KU Leuven are exempted from paying the Laboratorium’s fee.) Please register by 1 May through this form.

The preliminary program can be accessed here.

Organizing committee:
Marijke Crab (KU Leuven Libraries), Nicholas De Sutter (KU Leuven), Adriaan Demuynck (KU Leuven), Raf Van Rooy (KU Leuven)

Scientific committee:
Susanna de Beer (Leiden University), Gianmario Cattaneo (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale), Marijke Crab (KU Leuven Libraries), Ingrid De Smet (University of Warwick), Nicholas De Sutter (KU Leuven), Martine Furno (Université Grenoble Alpes / ENS Lyon), Christian Laes (University of Manchester / University of Antwerp), Han Lamers (University of Oslo), Marc Laureys (Universität Bonn), Vasileios Pappas (University of Ioannina), Maxim Rigaux (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Ghent University), Florian Schaffenrath (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Neulateinische Studien, Innsbruck), Toon Van Houdt (KU Leuven), Raf Van Rooy (KU Leuven)

International studymeeting at the TUU

27 March 2025

Correspondences in the Reformation Period
  • Chair: Dr. Jan Klok
  • 13.30-14.00: Doors open, coffee and tea
  • 14.00-14.15: Welcome and introduction
  • 14.15-14.45: Prof. em. Dr. Amy Nelson Burnett (Paula and D.B. Varner University Professor of History at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln):
Erasmus and the German Republic of Letters
  • 14.45-15.00: Discussion
  • 15.00-15.15: Coffee break
  • 15.15-15.45: PD Dr. Dirk van Miert (KNAW/Huygens Institute Amsterdam):
How trans- or interconfessional was the Republic of Letters, really?
Connections, ego-networks, and communities: applying network analysis to correspondences
  • 16.30-16.45 Discussion
  • 16.45-17.00 Closing

For more information, see https://tuu.nl/agenda/personal-relationships-and-theological-beliefs/

According to a consolidated tradition of studies, a migration of classical studies occurred in Europe between the end of the 16th and the first half of the 18th century, which abandoned Italy, the cradle of Humanism, to head towards Northern Europe and the countries where the Reformation had prevailed. The conference, attended by international scholars from various disciplines, will try to verify, through the analysis of episodes concerning the Reformed and Catholic world, whether this assumption of the history of classical philology can still be considered valid. 

28 November h. 14.00 – 19.00 Fondazione Banco di Napoli, Via dei Tribunali, 213
Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/23peu2uk (access code: 541984)

29 November h. 09.00 – 17.30 Biblioteca di Area Umanistica BRAU, Piazza Bellini, 60
Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/3bmnf7c4

Information: philologiaetreligio@gmail.com (Filomena Bernardo, Domenico Graziano)

The ERC Research Project KnowStudents, nr. 864542, organizes a conference focused on ‘Debates, uncertainties, multiple truths: Scholarly disagreement in early modern European education’. The event will take place at the Centre for the History of Renaissance Knowledge, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Warsaw, Poland, in December 7-9, 2023.

The organizers look forward to see your submission, i.e. the title of your paper, an abstract (150-200 words), 4-5 keywords together with a one-page CV. The applications should be sent to Prof. Valentina Lepri [vlepri@ifispan.edu.pl] and Prof. Farkas Gábor Kiss (farkas.kiss@ifispan.edu.pl) by June 12th, 2023.

For further details:

The Philological Institute at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen is happy to share the program of the conference, “The Wrong Direction – Early Modern Translations into Latin,” which will take place April 13-15, 2023, at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Based on the research done in Prof. Dr. Anja Wolkenhauer’s project “Versio latina”, the conference wants to use this opportunity to decidedly change perspectives and look ‘into the wrong direction,’ namely focusing on early modern translations into Latin. What are their functions? Who translated and for what kind of readership; which expectations were placed on these translations by translators, editors, and printer-publishers? Were they successful, reprinted, or overruled by rival products, or was their efficiency augmented by being intermediary versions for translations into other languages?

All information, including the concept, program (https://ianls.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/The-Wrong-Direction_Poster_eng.pdf), and flyer (https://ianls.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/The-Wrong-Direction_Flyer_eng.pdf), is also available on the conference website https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/238848. For further questions, please contact Dr. Julia Heideklang: julia.heideklang@uni-tuebingen.de.

On 18-19 May 2023, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies and University College London organise the conference ‘Ancient – Medieval – Early Modern Latin & Greek Letter Collections: Methodological and thematic intersections’ to be held at Durham University: https://neolatijn.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/ANCIENT-–-MEDIEVAL-–-EARLY-MODERN-LATIN-and-GREEK-Durham-program.pdf. If you wish to attend the event in person, or remotely by Zoom, please email the organizers: roy.k.gibson@durham.ac.uk / simon.smets@neolatin.lbg.ac.at.

Op 20 oktober 2023 vindt in het Institut d’Estudis Catalans in Barcelona het congres ‘Reading and Studying Neo-Latin Authors between c.1600-1950’ plaats, georganiseerd door de Societat Catalana d’Estudis Clàssics en het Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Neulateinische Studien. Download de CfP hier: http://ianls.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CfP-Barcelona-1.pdf.

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