Ons bereikte het droevige nieuws dat op maandag 13 augustus Ann Moss is overleden. Moss was emerita hoogleraar Frans aan de Universiteit van Durham en lid van de British Academy. Ze had zich gespecialiseerd in vroegmodern Frans, en Latijnse literatuur en intellectuele geschiedenis:

Ann Moss was Emerita Professor in the French Department; her many publications on aspects of the classical tradition include Latin commentaries on Ovid from the Renaissance; Ovid in Renaissance France: a survey of the Latin editions of Ovid and commentaries printed in France before 1600; Printed Commonplace Books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought (a history, among other things, of the transmission and application of ancient thought through collected quotations); and Renaissance Truth and the Latin Language Turn (an investigation of intellectual and cultural change mediated through changes in Latin usage).

De afscheidsplechtigheid vindt in september in Durham plaats.

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