Proposals are sought both for individual papers and for entire sessions to be sponsored by the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies at next year’s Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, to be held in Chicago, 21 to 23 March 2024:

Proposals should be sent to Marc Laureys, who is the IANLS representative with the RSA, at, no later than 10 July 2023. Proposals will be refereed, and everyone will be notified in due course about whether or not the proposal has been accepted by the IANLS for inclusion into one of the four panels.

The Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences invite you to send your proposals to the conference ‘Representing Crisis in Early Modern Literatures’ (Tallinn, 21-22 September 2023): They welcome submissions of individual proposals for 20-minute papers. Please submit a title of your paper, 200-300 words abstract and one-page CV incl. your affiliation in English to the conference organisers by 1 May 2023. For further questions, please contact Kristi Viiding ( or Lucie Storchová (

The American Association for Neo-Latin Studies invites proposals for a panel of papers on Neo-Latin and the State to be held at the meeting of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) to be held Jan 4-7, 2024 in Chicago, IL. Our intent is to illustrate the diversity and richness of Neo-Latin literature as it pertains to statecraft, diplomacy, legislature, administration, political satire, political science, and the reception of ancient political philosophy. The AANLS aims to underscore the importance of contemporary research in the complex, international phenomenon of Neo-Latin literature and to give scholars an opportunity to share the results of their research and their methodologies with colleagues in the many disciplines that comprise Neo-Latin studies. We welcome abstracts for 20-minute presentations dealing with topics or works loosely related to the theme of statecraft written in Latin (or Greek) from the Renaissance or after, especially those of historical, scholarly, legal, scientific, or technical significance. Please send abstracts that follow the guidelines for individual abstracts (see the SCS Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts) by email to Patrick M. Owens, President of American Association of Neo-Latin Studies at by March 17, 2023. Please ensure that the abstracts are anonymous. The organizers will review all submissions anonymously, and their decision will be communicated to the authors by April 28, which will allow for those whose abstracts are not chosen to participate in the individual abstract submission process.

Download the CfP here:

Op 20 oktober 2023 vindt in het Institut d’Estudis Catalans in Barcelona het congres ‘Reading and Studying Neo-Latin Authors between c.1600-1950’ plaats, georganiseerd door de Societat Catalana d’Estudis Clàssics en het Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Neulateinische Studien. Download de CfP hier:

The Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae invites Neo-Latinists to send in contributions for the new IJsewijn Lecture & Laboratorium. This initiative revives the annual IJsewijn Lecture in a novel format, but preserving some classical ingredients.

You should register by 12 May, either for the 15th IJsewijn Lecture (free), or for the 1st IJsewijn Laboratorium (€25), or for both, via: For more details and the preliminary program, please see below or consult our webpage:

The 15th IJsewijn Lecture will take place on Thursday 25 May 2023, at 5pm, in the Justus Lipsius Room of the Erasmushuis (8th floor; Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven). The lecture will be delivered by Ingrid De Smet (University of Warwick & Visiting Professor at the I Tatti Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, April-June 2023), and is provisionally entitled

Water Management for Food and Recreation in Selected Neo-Latin Texts

The lecture will be followed by a reception at 6pm in the big hall of the Erasmushuis on the ground floor. Attendance is completely free, but registration will be required.

The next day, on Friday 26 May 2023, the very first IJsewijn Laboratorium will be held at the Couvreurzaal (M01.E50; Edward Van Evenstraat 4, 3000 Leuven, on the Social Sciences Campus, where IANLS 2022 also took place). The Laboratorium will have a full-day program devoted to ongoing Neo-Latin research, and has two main aims: (1) showcasing state-of-the-art research in Neo-Latin studies, in terms of both subject and methodology, and (2) bringing together young scholars with established researchers, including the IJsewijn Lecturer. There is, in other words, no specific thematic focus, and everyone is encouraged to present work-in-progress, paying due attention to both successes and pitfalls in Neo-Latin research, and how to build on, or deal with, them.

The Laboratorium aims to create an active exchange among the participants, in order to address and discuss promising research perspectives. All sessions will be plenary, including a research pitch by local Neo-Latin students. Each session will last one hour and include two presentations of 15’ each, followed by 30’ discussion time. Presenters will be asked to pre-circulate their materials and ideas in a way they see fit, no later than two weeks before the event (e.g. a Neo-Latin text with translation and/or commentary, a short paper summarizing the main points of their work-in-progress, an advanced paper not yet submitted for publication, a poster file, …). The pre-circulated materials will be shared only with those registered for the workshop and will serve to encourage in-depth discussions. The scientific committee will make a competitive selection of papers, in order to guarantee a high-quality exchange.

The main workshop language will be English, but we will consider proposals in other languages with a strong tradition in Neo-Latin studies. Proposals of no more than 250 words should be sent to raf.vanrooy[at] before 1 February 2023 in Word and PDF format. Notifications of acceptance will be given on 15 February 2023. The registration fee for the IJsewijn Laboratorium will be €25 to cover catering. We unfortunately do not have any means to cover the travel and accommodation costs of all participants, but we will be able to provide an exception for up to four junior researchers without any means of their own (please indicate this in your proposal). A link for registration will be made available in late February.

Organizing committee:
Marijke Crab, Nicholas De Sutter, Ide François, Christian Laes, Maxim Rigaux, Raf Van Rooy

Scientific committee:
Susanna de Beer, Gianmario Cattaneo, Marijke Crab, Ingrid De Smet, Nicholas De Sutter, Ide François, Martine Furno, Han Lamers, Marc Laureys, Vasileios Pappas, Maxim Rigaux, Florian Schaffenrath, Toon Van Houdt, Raf Van Rooy

For a PDF version of this Call for Papers, click here.

Call for papers. Op 30 september 2023 (onder voorbehoud) viert het Nederlands Klassiek Verbond zijn 17de lustrum! Bij deze feestelijke gelegenheid wil het NKV graag een populair-wetenschappelijke artikelenbundel uitbrengen onder de titel De kracht der herinnering: over herinneren en vergeten in en na de oudheid. Voor deze bundel zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste auteurs die in dit thema een kort artikel willen schrijven, en naar vertalers die een voor dit thema relevant antiek gedicht (of een relevante korte prozapassage) willen vertalen. Het thema van de bundel mag hierbij breed worden opgevat: de redacteurs mikken op onderwerpen van de oudste epiek tot hedendaagse oudheidreceptie, van archaïsch Grieks tot Neolatijn (en de interactie van de Grieks-Romeinse wereld met andere talen en culturen). Om maar een paar suggesties te noemen: mnemotechnische trucjes, mythes over vergetelheid, literaire herdenkingen, brieven aan lang vervlogen kennissen en epische catalogen behoren allemaal tot de mogelijkheden – maar andere ideeën zijn uiteraard ook zeer welkom! Als u iets wilt bijdragen, ontvangen we graag uiterlijk 15 september een kort voorstel via De vertalingen beslaan maximaal 1 pagina A4, de artikelen tellen idealiter zo’n 3000 woorden (maar kortere of langere artikelen worden ook verwelkomd). De deadline voor het insturen van de bijdragen is 1 maart 2023.

Download de CfP hier.

In this volume of Intersections, we want to bring together studies that consider funerary inscriptions in Early Modern Europe within the context of a culture of commemoration and remembrance. Depending on funding, a 2 days conference to prepare the volume is planned to take place in Frankfurt am Main in late August or early September 2021. Applicants will be notified before June 30, 2020. You can find the CfP here.

On 29–30 May 2020, the KU Leuven Faculty of Arts will host a workshop entitled “How to investigate student notes from the Renaissance (ca. 1300–1600)?”. This workshop frames within an ongoing research project (2018–2022) on the teaching of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew in the 16th-century Southern Low Countries, supervised by Jan Papy and Raf Van Rooy and supported by Toon Van Hal and Pierre Van Hecke. We would very much like to invite anyone interested to submit a paper proposal related to the workshop’s main theme, student notes from the Renaissance. Questions that could be addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • the method of analysis: How should we analyze student notes from the Renaissance? What tools can help us? How can we determine whether a body of notes reflects either oral courses or personal reading?
  • the method of presentation: How can we edit them in a meaningful way? What other channels and digital media can be used to disseminate and communicate the results?
  • the form and typology of student notes: How are they set up and why this way? What kinds of notes are there? What tendencies can we discern?
  • the historical value of student notes: What can they teach us? And what not?
  • the context of the student notes: How and to what extent do they reflect classroom practices? How are they related to printed text, if at all? On what support are they written? To what extent are humanist ideals and scholarship perceptible in the notes?

Papers will be 20’ speaking time and 10’ discussion time. The conference languages are English and French. Proposals of no more than 250 words should be sent to before 1 December 2019 in Word format. Notifications of acceptance will be given on 15 January 2020 at the latest. The registration fee will amount to 35 EUR. Confirmed keynote speakers include Ann Blair (Harvard), Asaph Ben-Tov (Erfurt/Kent) Martine Furno (Lyon), Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé (Toulouse), and Luigi Silvano (Turin).

Download the Call for Papers here in PDF.

With great pleasure we announce our Call for Papers for this year’s Annual Meeting for Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW).

AMPRAW is an annual conference that is designed to bring together early-career researchers in the field of classical reception studies, and will be held for the ninth consecutive year. It aims to contribute to the growth of an international network of PhDs working on classical reception(s), as well as to strengthen relationships between early career researchers and established academics.

AMPRAW 2019 will be held at Radboud University, Nijmegen (the Netherlands) from Thursday 28 to Saturday 30 November 2019, in collaboration with OIKOS (National Research School in Classical Studies), NKV (National Association for all interested in Classical Studies) and Brill Publishers. The programme includes two conference days, and an optional cultural excursion on the third day. It is organized by and for postgraduates and early career researchers working in all areas of classical reception. Thanks to generous contributions of our sponsors, there will be no conference fee. Besides that, we offer a limited number of travel bursaries to speakers without research budgets or with limited funding. Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided to all speakers.

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  • Dr Justine McConnell (King’s College London, United Kingdom)
  • Prof. Dr David Rijser (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)
  • Dr Nathalie de Haan (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands)

The conference will further involve contributions by specialists from Radboud University and OIKOS.

This year’s theme: Authority and Legitimacy

Classical reception has always and invariably been linked to the concept of authority. The very idea of the ‘classical’ involves the establishment of an authoritative canon (or canons), which is renegotiated and recreated throughout time. Furthermore, aspects from the classical world, or what is perceived as such, have always functioned as authoritative examples in various cultural processes and narratives.

Closely related to authority is the concept of legitimacy. Throughout history, classical antiquity has been quoted, excerpted, and framed to claim legitimacy. From the Franks under the Carolingians to the modern ‘alt-right’ movements, all claim legitimacy with reference to a certain idea of classical authority.

We invite papers of 20-25 minutes dealing in all possible ways with the following questions:

  • What exactly constitutes the authority of Classical Antiquity?
  • Where, when and why has it gained, or lost, its legitimacy?
  • What are the structures behind the formation of an authoritative canon?
  • How have people tried to maintain or subvert ‘classical’ authority: which social negotiations are at play?
  • How do classical precedents function in historical and modern-day issues and mechanisms of power and legitimacy?
  • How do classical examples function as anchors in new developments and innovation? In other words, how can new ideas obtain legitimacy by being anchored upon authoritative examples?
  • How do the concepts of authority and legitimacy function in European and non-European reception of classical antiquity?

We encourage proposals in the fields of, but not limited to, archaeology, literary studies, linguistics, (art) history, media studies, religious studies, cultural sciences, history of law and political science, dealing with all time periods. The conference will be held in English.

If you would like to present a paper at AMPRAW 2019, please send an abstract of around 200 words to before May 20th 2019, together with a short biography stating your name, affiliation, and contact address. Please indicate in your submission whether you would like to apply for a travel bursary. Applicants will be selected and notified before the end of June.

The Organizing Committee of AMPRAW 2019

Prof. Dr Maarten De Pourcq, Mirte Liebregts MA, Simone Vermeeren MA, Martje de Vries MA, Ivo Wolsing MA