Final Call for Papers “The Making of the Humanities IV”, Rome, 16-18 October 2014

The fourth conference on the history of the humanities, “The Making of the Humanities IV”, will take place in Rome from 16 till 18 October 2014.

Goal of the Conference

This is the fourth of a biennially organized conference that brings together scholars and historians interested in the comparative history of the humanities (philology, art history, historiography, linguistics, logic, literary studies, musicology, theatre studies, media studies, a.o.).

Theme of the 2014 Conference: Connecting Disciplines

We welcome papers and panels on the history of the humanities that focus on any period or region. The theme of the 2014 conference will be Connecting Disciplines, with a special interest in comparing methods and patterns across disciplines — both within and between regions (e.g. China and Europe).

Confirmed Invited Speakers

Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua University)

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)

Helen Small (University of Oxford)

Deadline for abstracts and panel proposals: 1 June 2014

For more information, see

Dear all,
The next meeting of our Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences will be on Monday 2 June in the VOC-zaal (E.0.02), Kloveniersburgwal 48, from 15.00-17.15h.
Besides two new exciting talks, we will also present the latest version of our Minor program, followed by a discussion on potential collaborations with similar Centers elsewhere in the Netherlands.
Date: 2 June 2014
Time: 15.00h-17.15h
Place: VOC-zaal (E.0.02), Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam
15.00-15.45: Djoeke van Netten: “Investigating not-spread knowledge; Early Modern cultures of secrecy”
15.45-16.00: Coffee/Tea Break
16.00-16.45: Viktoria Tkaczyk: “Sound Studies within and across the History of the Humanities and Sciences”
 Abstracts will be sent around later this month.

 16.45-17.15:  Presentation of new Minor in “Geschiedenis en Toekomst van het Weten”. Discussion about collaborations with other Centers.

Looking forward to seeing you again!

Best wishes,

Jeroen, Julia & Rens