On 29–30 May 2020, the KU Leuven Faculty of Arts will host a workshop entitled “How to investigate student notes from the Renaissance (ca. 1300–1600)?”. This workshop frames within an ongoing research project (2018–2022) on the teaching of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew in the 16th-century Southern Low Countries, supervised by Jan Papy and Raf Van Rooy and supported by Toon Van Hal and Pierre Van Hecke. We would very much like to invite anyone interested to submit a paper proposal related to the workshop’s main theme, student notes from the Renaissance. Questions that could be addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • the method of analysis: How should we analyze student notes from the Renaissance? What tools can help us? How can we determine whether a body of notes reflects either oral courses or personal reading?
  • the method of presentation: How can we edit them in a meaningful way? What other channels and digital media can be used to disseminate and communicate the results?
  • the form and typology of student notes: How are they set up and why this way? What kinds of notes are there? What tendencies can we discern?
  • the historical value of student notes: What can they teach us? And what not?
  • the context of the student notes: How and to what extent do they reflect classroom practices? How are they related to printed text, if at all? On what support are they written? To what extent are humanist ideals and scholarship perceptible in the notes?

Papers will be 20’ speaking time and 10’ discussion time. The conference languages are English and French. Proposals of no more than 250 words should be sent to maxime.maleux@kuleuven.be before 1 December 2019 in Word format. Notifications of acceptance will be given on 15 January 2020 at the latest. The registration fee will amount to 35 EUR. Confirmed keynote speakers include Ann Blair (Harvard), Asaph Ben-Tov (Erfurt/Kent) Martine Furno (Lyon), Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé (Toulouse), and Luigi Silvano (Turin).

Download the Call for Papers here in PDF.

With great pleasure we announce our Call for Papers for this year’s Annual Meeting for Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW).

AMPRAW is an annual conference that is designed to bring together early-career researchers in the field of classical reception studies, and will be held for the ninth consecutive year. It aims to contribute to the growth of an international network of PhDs working on classical reception(s), as well as to strengthen relationships between early career researchers and established academics.

AMPRAW 2019 will be held at Radboud University, Nijmegen (the Netherlands) from Thursday 28 to Saturday 30 November 2019, in collaboration with OIKOS (National Research School in Classical Studies), NKV (National Association for all interested in Classical Studies) and Brill Publishers. The programme includes two conference days, and an optional cultural excursion on the third day. It is organized by and for postgraduates and early career researchers working in all areas of classical reception. Thanks to generous contributions of our sponsors, there will be no conference fee. Besides that, we offer a limited number of travel bursaries to speakers without research budgets or with limited funding. Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided to all speakers.

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  • Dr Justine McConnell (King’s College London, United Kingdom)
  • Prof. Dr David Rijser (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)
  • Dr Nathalie de Haan (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands)

The conference will further involve contributions by specialists from Radboud University and OIKOS.

This year’s theme: Authority and Legitimacy

Classical reception has always and invariably been linked to the concept of authority. The very idea of the ‘classical’ involves the establishment of an authoritative canon (or canons), which is renegotiated and recreated throughout time. Furthermore, aspects from the classical world, or what is perceived as such, have always functioned as authoritative examples in various cultural processes and narratives.

Closely related to authority is the concept of legitimacy. Throughout history, classical antiquity has been quoted, excerpted, and framed to claim legitimacy. From the Franks under the Carolingians to the modern ‘alt-right’ movements, all claim legitimacy with reference to a certain idea of classical authority.

We invite papers of 20-25 minutes dealing in all possible ways with the following questions:

  • What exactly constitutes the authority of Classical Antiquity?
  • Where, when and why has it gained, or lost, its legitimacy?
  • What are the structures behind the formation of an authoritative canon?
  • How have people tried to maintain or subvert ‘classical’ authority: which social negotiations are at play?
  • How do classical precedents function in historical and modern-day issues and mechanisms of power and legitimacy?
  • How do classical examples function as anchors in new developments and innovation? In other words, how can new ideas obtain legitimacy by being anchored upon authoritative examples?
  • How do the concepts of authority and legitimacy function in European and non-European reception of classical antiquity?

We encourage proposals in the fields of, but not limited to, archaeology, literary studies, linguistics, (art) history, media studies, religious studies, cultural sciences, history of law and political science, dealing with all time periods. The conference will be held in English.

If you would like to present a paper at AMPRAW 2019, please send an abstract of around 200 words to ampraw2019@ru.nl before May 20th 2019, together with a short biography stating your name, affiliation, and contact address. Please indicate in your submission whether you would like to apply for a travel bursary. Applicants will be selected and notified before the end of June.

The Organizing Committee of AMPRAW 2019

Prof. Dr Maarten De Pourcq, Mirte Liebregts MA, Simone Vermeeren MA, Martje de Vries MA, Ivo Wolsing MA

Call for papers
Deadline: May 1, 2019

Memory and Identity in the Learned World
Community Formation in the Early Modern World of Science and Learning

On November 7-9, 2019, the ERC project Sharing Knowledge in Learned and Literary Networks (SKILLNET) will organize a conference at Utrecht University on memory and identity in the early modern learned world. The central question for this conference is how scholars, scientists, and learned men and women formed a community by remembering and identification. Confirmed keynote speakers are prof. dr. Karl Enenkel and prof. dr. Judith Pollmann.

The Republic of Letters — the early modern community of scholars — has been vaguely conceptualized in historiography. Some take it to be the correspondence networks between scholars; others equate it very broadly to the entire early modern learned and intellectual world. Yet, how did early modern scholars themselves imagine the Republic of Letters? To answer this question we focus on community formation through scholarly identity and collective memory. Scholarly identity includes both exemplary figures such as Erasmus or Newton, as well as the self-fashioning of other scholars to fit a mold. Collective memory pertains to the ways of remembering in the scholarly community, for example in letters, vitae, journals, opera omnia, monuments, libraries and memorials. By bringing together scholars who have knowledge of disparate aspects of the scholarly milieu in the early modern period, we hope to better reconstruct the formation of the trans-confessional and pan-European community.

Suggestions for papers are:
• Scholarly values, virtues and vices
• Monuments, memorials, and other “sites of memory” (lieux de mémoire)
• Biography, auto-biography and other forms of life-writing
• The role and (social) position of women in the learned world
• The self-definition of the learned world by early modern actors
• Correspondence networks, especially their codes of conduct and social hierarchy
• Friendship and bonds, e.g. in Alba amicorum
• The emergence of a discourse around the Republic of Letters in the early eighteenth century (e.g. in theatre, dissertations, and books) both positively and negatively
• The role of Digital Humanities tools, such as named entity recognition (NER) and sentiment analysis in text-mining large scholarly corpora.

Proposal types and submission
The conference will contain a variety of different papers, including paper presentations (20 min.) and object/source presentations (10 min.). The object/source presentations allow for a presentation of a specific source or object, for example the Newton tomb in Westminster Abbey or an antiquarian manuscript. We also invite advanced (research) master students to give a short presentation of their work.
Please submit your paper proposal (max. 300 words) or object/source proposal (max. 200 words) including a personal biography (max. 150 words) before 1 May, 2019 as an attachment (pdf- or doc-file) to an e-mail to Koen Scholten (k.scholten@uu.nl). 

There are plans to publish selected papers in an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal.

For more information, please visit our conference website.

This conference is organized by members of the ERC-funded research project SKILLNET: Sharing Knowledge in Learned and Literary Networks – The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society.

Download the flyer here.

The IANLS Executive Committee is happy to announce that our organization has been invited to take part in the annual congress of the International Society for Cultural History (http://www.culthist.net/), dedicated to “Global Cultural History”  (http://isch2019.tlu.ee/), which will be held in Tallinn University, 26–29 June 2019.

We have been granted the opportunity to organize 2-3 panels (of 120 minutes, max. 4 papers, each).
The Executive Committee would like to propose the following panels:
1) Neo-Latin as Cross-Cultural Capital? The Dynamics of Neo-Latin as a Global Vehicle of Communication
2) Neo-Latin and Early Modern Forms of Global Cultural History
3) Neo-Latin and Global Education: The Role of Jesuit Networks
You are very welcome to send your abstracts, either for an individual paper (please add your preferred panel) or an entire panel, as well as your short CV by 8 February 2019 to kristi.viiding@gmail.com.

This opportunity arose only very recently; the deadline is, therefore, unfortunately quite short.

All relevant information about the congress is available on its website:


Studies in Early Modern Latin Literature || Early Modern Texts and Anthologies

The Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series is dedicated to the study of early modern Latin texts and literary culture. The series makes available analysis and criticism of early modern Latin literature, alongside editions of texts in two strands:

The Studies in Early Modern Latin Literature strand presents book-length studies and collected volumes on wide-reaching aspects of early modern Latin literature. Volumes should showcase the latest research from the field of Neo-Latin literature, as well as from wider areas of early modern literary culture where contemporary Latin played a significant role.

The Early Modern Texts and Anthologies strand presents editions of texts with English translations, introductions and notes. Volumes include complete editions of longer single texts and themed anthologies bringing together texts from particular genres, periods or countries. These editions are primarily aimed at students and scholars and intended to be suitable for use in university teaching.

The series now invites proposals and expressions of interest for potential projects in both of its strands. For further information and the book proposal form, please contact the series’ editors:


– Studies in Early Modern Latin Literature –

William M. Barton, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, AT: william.barton@neolatin.lbg.ac.at

Bobby Xinyue, University of Warwick, UK: b.xinyue@warwick.ac.uk

– Early Modern Texts and Anthologies –

Gesine Manuwald, University College London, UK: g.manuwald@ucl.ac.uk

Stephen Harrison, University of Oxford, UK: stephen.harrison@ccc.ox.ac.uk


Studies in Early Modern Latin Literature || Early Modern Texts and Anthologies


◊ Pramit Chaudhuri, University of Texas at Austin, USA

◊ Maya Feile Tomes, University of Cambridge, UK

◊ Julia Gaisser, Bryn Mawr College, USA

◊ Philip Hardie, University of Cambridge, UK

◊ Sarah Knight, University of Leicester, UK

◊ Martin Korenjak, Innsbruck University, AT

◊ Andrew Laird, Brown University, USA

◊ Marc Laureys, University of Bonn, DE

◊ David McOmish, University of Glasgow, UK

◊ Victoria Moul, King’s College London, UK

Download the Call for Proposals here.


Hamlet in Wittenberg: Civic and Princely Education in Early Modern Europe


A workshop with the title “Hamlet in Wittenberg: Civic and Princely Education in Early Modern Europe” is organised by the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The aim of the conference is to gain an overview of the state of the arts and recent tendencies in the research field of early modern – princely and civic – political education.

Keynote speakers:

James Hankins (Harvard University),

Jan Waszink (Leiden University),

Tibor Fabinyi (Károli Gáspár University).


Date of the conference: 28-29. September, 2018.

To participate please send by 7 June a title and an abstract of 3-500 words to fi.titkarsag@btk.mta.hu

Further details: https://hamlet-in-wittenberg.webnode.hu/call-for-papers/

Organisers: Ferenc Hörcher and Ádám Smrcz


The call for papers can be downloaded here.

Van 24 tot en met 26 januari 2019 vindt aan de Universiteit Bonn het internationale congres ‘Glacie circumdatus uror – Der neulateinische Petrarkismus’ plaats over de invloed van het Petrarkisme op de vroegmoderne Latijnse literatuur. De CfP kan hier gedownload worden: CFP-neulateinischer_Petrarkismus. De deadline voor de CfP is 15 juni 2018.