On 29–30 May 2020, the KU Leuven Faculty of Arts will host a workshop entitled “How to investigate student notes from the Renaissance (ca. 1300–1600)?”. This workshop frames within an ongoing research project (2018–2022) on the teaching of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew in the 16th-century Southern Low Countries, supervised by Jan Papy and Raf Van Rooy and supported by Toon Van Hal and Pierre Van Hecke. Questions that will be addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • the method of analysis: How should we analyze student notes from the Renaissance? What tools can help us? How can we determine whether a body of notes reflects either oral courses or personal reading?
  • the method of presentation: How can we edit them in a meaningful way? What other channels and digital media can be used to disseminate and communicate the results?
  • the form and typology of student notes: How are they set up and why this way? What kinds of notes are there? What tendencies can we discern?
  • the historical value of student notes: What can they teach us? And what not?
  • the context of the student notes: How and to what extent do they reflect classroom practices? How are they related to printed text, if at all? On what support are they written? To what extent are humanist ideals and scholarship perceptible in the notes?

Papers will be 20’ speaking time and 10’ discussion time. The conference languages are English and French. The registration fee will amount to 35 EUR. Confirmed keynote speakers include Ann Blair (Harvard), Asaph Ben-Tov (Erfurt/Kent), Martine Furno (Lyon), Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé (Toulouse), and Luigi Silvano (Turin).

For more information, see: https://sites.google.com/view/leuvenstudentnotes2020.

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