Following the earlier tradition of Nurus Fellowships (2006-2015), the Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae in KU Leuven invites scholars in Neo-Latin studies to apply for a Seminarium Fellowship, so as to come work with its members during a period of 4 to 6 weeks between 1 November and 30 June.
They will provide:

  • an office space with internet access;
  • access to KU Leuven Libraries and university restaurants;
  • a stipend of ca. €1000;
  • a reimbursement of travel expenses up to ca. €300 (motivated exceptions will be considered);
  • a stimulating environment for an exchange about Neo-Latin studies and the fellow’s research in this field.

They expect you to:

  • reside in Leuven for the period chosen;
  • engage with the Seminarium’s research community and discuss your research with them;
  • give at least one seminar or lecture open to members of the Seminarium and other interested researchers;
  • acknowledge your Seminarium affiliation in any publications (partly) stemming from your time in Leuven.

They particularly encourage early career researchers (PhD students, junior postdocs) to apply for a Seminarium Fellowship, but also more senior scholars (advanced postdocs, professors) are very welcome to do so.

The deadline for submitting your application is 30 June 2023. Each year, they will award one fellowship per term (i.e. two per year). Applications will be reviewed by the Seminarium’s responsible members as part of an open competition.

Applications should be in English and contain (1) a short CV (max. 2 pages) and (2) a brief description of the research you want to conduct in Leuven and why a stay in Leuven is beneficial to it (max. 1 page). Please include the preferred period of your stay in document (2) and take into account the amount of time it takes to apply for a visa, if relevant (see Applications should be sent as a single PDF file to

Decisions will be announced before 1 August 2023.

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