The 16th Jozef IJsewijn Lecture will take place on Thursday 23 May 2024, at 5pm, in the Justus Lipsius Room of the Erasmushuis (8th floor; Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven), and will be delivered by Professor Eric MacPhail (Indiana University). The lecture’s subject will be: Erasmus and the Latin Deficit in Leuven.
Registration to the Laboratorium is open Registration open through:

On Friday 24 May 2024, the 2nd IJsewijn Laboratorium will be held at the Couvreurzaal (M01.E50; Edward Van Evenstraat 4, 3000 Leuven, on the Social Sciences Campus). The Laboratorium will have a full-day program devoted to ongoing Neo-Latin research.
A provisional program can be consulted here.
The registration fee for the IJsewijn Laboratorium will be €25 to cover catering. Please register before 1 May 2024 for the Lecture (free), Laboratorium (€25), or both through this link. (BA and MA students of KU Leuven are exempted from paying the Laboratorium’s fee.)

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