Dear Reader,

The Spring 2019 issue (volume 68.1) of HL has just been published online.  You can read and download all articles for free on

Table of Contents:


– Thomas Haye, Die lateinische Poesie des Laurent de Premierfait. Französischer Frühhumanismus in mittelalterlicher Tradition? (9-66)

– Katharina-Maria Schön, Non temere sed iudicio. Prozesse der Urteilsfindung in und um Thomas Morus’ Utopia (67-104)

– Fabio Gatti, Un dramma satiresco in latino. Il Ciclope nell’Italia del Cinquecento (105-133)

– Martin Korenjak, Explaining Natural Science in Hexameters. Scientific Didactic Epic in the Early Modern Era (135-175)

– Guillaume Flamerie de Lachapelle, Quand Virgile, Horace et Claudien exaltent Louis XVIII. L’épître dédicatoire de la Bibliotheca classica Latina de Nicolas-Éloi Lemaire (177-210)


– Giovanni Grandi, Angelo Poliziano and the graphetai Symbol in His Notes on Catullus (211-227)

– Gianmario Cattaneo, Due note critiche ai Commentarii linguae Graecae di Guillaume Budé (229-235)

– Dominik Berrens, The Meaning of Flora(237-249)

Humanistica Lovaniensia is co-sponsoring the international Lectio Conference True Warriors? Negotiating Dissent in the Intellectual Debate (1100-1700), which will be hold 11-13 December 2019 at KU Leuven. For more information, please consult the Call for Papers.

Humanistica Lovaniensia. Journal of Neo-Latin Studies (online ISSN 2593-3019) is a KU Leuven based double-blind peer-reviewed international journal that appears twice a year (March and September) as an online-only open access publication. 
HL welcomes articles in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish on Neo-Latin language, literature and culture from the fourteenth to the twenty-first century, as well as critical editions and translations of Neo-Latin texts.

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